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This Section is still under developement!
Please help us obtain more early listings of businesses. Maybe Grandpa Joe's Factory or Aunt Sallie's Shop, include a history and photos of their livelyhood, pride and joy. Possibly another early Putnam County Business that had a strong influence in the community. Old or new businesses, contact the Web-Master with historical information.
Early Businesses of Putnam County
1890 businesses (includes Brown Jewelery/Gifts; Deitz Groceries; BF Hays, Tailors; Martin Steam Laundry; Renick Hardware; Smythe, GC - Dr; When Clothing; Weik Coffee
1894 businesses (Greencastle) -(includes: Bell Clothing; Fee, JF Pension Attorney; Hamilton, EA groceries; Hurley, JM - Real Estate; LL Louis, Shoes; Neal GC Vet Surgeon) Isaiah Vermillion White Sale
-- A --
The Air Dome – tonight – complete change in Vaudeville and Pictures – Walters & Murry – Introducing their Black Face Specialty – Admission 5 and 10 cents -- Source: Greencastle Herald, 5 Aug 1910
ALLEN & STONER – Fresh Caught Fish – Halibut Steak, Boned Herring, Pickeral and Channel Cat, also Fresh Oysters. - Source: Greencastle Herald 30 Sept 1915 p 1
-- B --
Bainbridge Railroad - see Brazil, Bainbridge...
Black Brothers Livery - Feed & Sale - Stable
Black, Charles - General Store
Bob'S Standard Service of Cloverdale - All we have is a picture of a can opener which were given out.
EA Browning -- Grocery - Phone 24 – Fresh Cider - Source: Greencastle Herald 30 Sept 1915 p 1
Burgess & Son - Cloverdale Druggists
Businesses of county - general information
-- C --
-- D --
Dobell, JT - furniture
OO Dobbs, Auctioneer – Phone 771 417 E Washington St Greencastle Source: Greencastle Herald 30 Sept 1915 p 3
Downey, Alice - opens early kindergarten
-- E --
Emporium of Fashion - (Mrs. L. Gilmore)
Evans, JB - shingle machine - see Dorsey & Jones
-- F --
-- G --
-- H --
Hanna - attorney - see Matson
HARRIS Milling Co -- White Lily and Imperial Flours – none better – few as good.
Source: Greencastle Herald 30 Sept 1915 p 3
HILL, JF - sewing machines, organs ...
Hilton, H.J. - Tailoring -
Hines, JM - Restaurant
HOFFMAN, George - Lock & Gunsmith
Hoover, W.M. - Russellville Meat Market
HOTELS (Commecial; Grant:)
Hunter Brothers - business problems
-- I - J --
Jones Drug Store - note there are two on the link
-- K --
KEYTSVILLE businesses - 1930s - Charles Keyt, Huckster & many more -
-- L --
LaDon Theater - 1981=2005 - located in Roachdale
EB LYNCH – House Furnisher & Funeral Director – Greencastle, Ind 12 & 14 North Jackson. --Source: Greencastle Herald, 5 Aug 1910
Lyon - V & Sons - see V. Lyon
-- M --
Martin's Pharmacy early 1940's Thanks to Lauralee F.
Morrison & Yeates - Furniture & Undertaking-
-- N --
-- O --
Oil Company - Fred Hillis & others which includes Ed Brockway; Ed Hamilton; Ed Houck; John Houck; Albert Houck; Chris Stoner; FM Lyon; Oscar O'Hair; Abe Hillis; Edgar Shelby; W. Gill; Elbert Caldwell
OVERSTREET, O.F. -- Dentist – Office in Bence Building, South Vine Street, Greencastle. Source: Greencastle Herald 30 Sept 1915 p 2
-- P --
-- Q - R --
Ringo Millinery - see Neverman
Roachdale Elevator west side of railroad tracks on US 136 - 1912 From the Indiana Album Facebook page
-- S --
Singer, Milton - see Fashion Shop
Smythe -- Source: Greencastle Daily Sun 25 Jan 1890 p 4
GC Smythe, MD – office and residence Corner Vine & Walnut Streets.
Squier - Millinery & Needle Shop - early lady business
Swiss Oil Company - 1919 - wow
-- T-U-V --
TUCKER, James - bicycle rim factory
TUCKER, WW -- Physician & Surgeon. Office Vine Street between Washington and Walnut, Greencastle. Source: Greencastle Herald 30 Sept 1915 p 2
-- W --
WEIK, Louis - see Mammoth Grocery
-- X-Y-Z --
Yeates & Morrison - Furniture & Undertaking -
Zeis & Co - groceries, etc
NOTE: I and many others have spent 20 plus years (from its inception) on this project -- PLEASE GIVE CREDIT if you use our work! I've found hundreds of obituaries FROM THIS SITE on findagrave and many personal genealogy sites - I know the obituaries etc. came from here but I don't see any credit. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT!!!! Here is the citation you should use & thanks so much in advance :)
Citation: The Indiana (INGenWeb Project), Copyright ©1996-2018 (and beyond), Putnam County GenWeb site - thanks soooo much - Karen Bazzani Zach
My name is Karen Bazzani Zach and I am your Coordinator for Putnam County. My hubby is constantly helping me as well - thanks, Jim Z :) . Your Indiana State Coordinator is Lena Harper.